sipping my coffee
slowly starting my day
I tend to wake up slow
lisa has just stepped out for a Mysore session at The AYC
brutus has not yet been walked
I had thought that my iTunes was playing sequencially
but no... set on suffle as per usual
Rollins is telling us that he is a Liar
this cup of coffee is nearly empty
so I will finish up this post
fetch another cup of coffee
then head out and walk the dog
the kids are at my mom's waking up from a sleep over
which freed lisa and I to wake up slow after a night out on the town
our plans for MARVIN were replaced with no reservations/no marvin and a trip to that same 14th Street strip
a toss of a coin between RICE and CORK
parking had us equidistance between the two
the wine bar CORK got the call
the setting was pretty much what I was looking for
warm and cozy with a flair of cool
the food was excellent
I do not know anything about wine... the wine was fine.. I liked the wine
had a few glasses of No. 41... then dropped down to No. 40... then skipped a few digits for a No. 35
our waiter was twenty-three
if I were a few years younger I would would have spent my money differently
maybe a game of Edward Forty-hands would be part of my friday night plans
rather than polite conversation in a wine bar with walls of exposed brick and a wait staff dressed in all black
henry rollins is breezing through baltimore for a spoken word show this month
this may be something to consider... I could use some culture in my cyclical life
to bring tangents full circle
Black Cat Bernie who instructed the yoga classes at City Bikes Adams Morgan last winter played bass on the first Rollins Band album (I seem to recall)
closing out this page with THE FOO FIGHTERS playing some power pop... that dave grohl has some wonderful pop sensibility
who would of thunk it
ringo star did not transition from the Beatles so well
while Dave Grohl has moved so far away from the position of the drummer of the second beatles
that is full circle
as Queens of the Stone Age was one of the first songs played as I started my coffee at keyboard