thanks for all that you and your people do for me and my people!
IMBA:International Mountain Bike Association
these are the folks that are working hard to keep your sport rocking and rolling for you and for the riders after you
these are the people fighting to keep trails open
these are the folks fighting to open new trails
these are the guys with the callouses on their hands from building the trails that make us all smile
send them your support! donate your money donate your time buy their swag!
also in the Mid-Atlantic
MORE:Mid Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts
they too could use your support
your money and your muscle
if you ride trails in the Mid-Atlantic
then you need to build trails in the Mid-Atlantic
do your part
life is not all about taking
that is Rich from IMBA at the MORE Holiday Party
if you scroll down this link you will see an IMBA Rep getting some FREE SOCKS!