even after a big trip
met up with anna for coffee
we had intended to catch up and tell the other some tales from our california adventures
as I just got back from a wedding in santa cruz while she just got back from the sea otter classic
I was going to boast of roller coaster free riding trails in the Demonstration Forrest in Watsonville or the loops in El Corte Maderia trails
I could have waxed on poetically about the sun beaming through the redwoods and how the air was so dry that sweat would evaporate before the ride was done
the scent of dry pine needles mixing with the not so distance salty sea
anna had stories to share about her race at the Sea Otter and her tea with Jacquie Phelan
but instead we spoke about biking future not biking past
mountain bikers talk about the weekend past until wednesday
from wednesday on the conversation focuses on the approaching weekend
we talked about the greenbrier challenge and the city bikes demo day at schaeffer farms
there was talk about bicycle maintenance and lack of bicycle maintenance
there was talk about expectations and anxiety
as we talked I dragged anna about as I ran some errands... new shin guards for dean and some black and red licorice as promised for the boys... anna endured... then a carry-out sandwich... finally coffee
maybe the loop should have been reversed
coffee first next time
then the lunch time errands would be less of a drag
when i got home I saw that lisa also got dean a new pair of shin guards
everyone was excited by the licorice