but I say groom it and make it user friendly
more than a bike path flanked by dirt
serpentine trail because the road is fairly steep
indigenous plants
a pump course and an urban downhill course
do they really need a road so that a few cars do not have to wait at a stop light during rush hour
maybe people should drive less
rather than making more roads
Protect Klingle Valley
Mayor Fenty, at the urging of Councilmember Jim Graham, has inserted $2 million into the proposed FY09 DC budget for construction of a road through Klingle Valley. Concerned about the pace of the EIS process (a draft EIS has already been circulated for public comment), they propose to circumvent all environmental reviews, and to give up all federal matching funds! Thus, they would pay for 100% of the project - now pegged at $12 million (up from $2 million) - with DC funds, instead of the typical 20% local share with an 80% federal match.
WABA, the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Audubon Naturalist Society, and other local groups are fighting this proposal, which will be decided in the next two weeks. We need emails to be sent to the Council urging them not to invest diminishing DC funds into this overpriced "road to nowhere," which DC Dept. of Transportation studies show will produce no positive effects on traffic flows in Ward 3. Please send an email to * all 13 Council offices * at this address: membersonly@dccouncil.us.
We will also be conducting public education activities (tabling) outside the Wilson Building for the next three weeks at lunchtime. If you can spare a couple of fun hours in the sun, or for further information, contact Jim Dougherty at 202-488-1140, jim.dougherty@sierraclub.org.
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