we are taking advantage of these longer warm days
the long days before the mosquito bloom and the unbearable humidity
grant had a field trip to the baltimore aquarium yesterday
that called for an early drop off
lisa took grant for the early drop off
which allowed for me to take dean to school on the trail-a-bike
washington dc is not known for its safe streets or its considerate drivers
with two kids the drop off with the bike is not a realistic option
especially with the hills we have to climb to get to dean and grants schools on the other side of town
as I rode dean to school in the rush hour traffic
cars passed the two of us with the same lack of concern that they pass me alone
if they only realized that they could slow to the speed limit and get there at the same time
inconsiderate and worse yet dangerous
f_cking assholes f_ck em all
each car that passed us got passed right back

even the ones that passed us at the base of the hill at tilden climbing out of the park
the cars are always backed up at this time of day at the light of Connecticut and Tilden
if only these car drivers had the sense to leave five minutes earlier and slow down to a rational maximum speed
if only the cars could push a few feet closer to the center line instead of passing inches from our side
the bike lane offers little sanctuary
if they thought about their actions and slowed down
it would be good for their anxiety levels
it would be good for the world around them
leaving five minutes early and taking their driving out of auto pilot would really help
dean had a smile on his face when some of his classmates called out his name as we rolled up on the bike
with a quick hug and a requisite enjoy your day dean was headed into school
down the block I saw grant's class loading onto a bus to go to the aquarium

I climbed into the bus to say hello to grant
it is fun to see the kids out of context
they enjoy it
I enjoy it
the work day went well
it was a busy week
was able to knock some stuff out and get some stuff done
thought I was working late but instead my boss let me out a few minutes early
had the time for a ride but went straight home instead
did not even meander through the city streets with the camera
had the camera around my neck
but did not deviate my trajectory to try and find that perfect shot
as it was friday and I wanted to get home for the party in the alley
sure enough

when I got home there was already the buzz beginning about the alley party
kids were bringing out their skateboards and their bicycles
grills were being fired up and beers were being chilled
as more bodies showed up the madness began to build
grant fought hard to maintain pace with the self orchestrated bicycle races
not bad for four and two months... training wheels already off
it was cool to see the slightly older boys to lend assistance to young grant
there were skinned knees and skinned elbows from all the crashes
Dean rode Grant's bike which used to be his
he started off without a helmet
Dean put his helmet on
all sorts of people showed up for the gathering
kids and parents
not just adults with kidse
but adults from up and down the block
all sorts of grillables and a wide selection of beers
the bicycles and skateboards swarmed until dark
adults stood around
toddlers toddled
some kids played basketball
the skateboards and bicycles buzzed through the masses
what what madness in the light became utter chaos in the dark
the parents each tried to reel in their children
no child wanting to be the first person to go inside
before the mass evacuation a neighbor pulled out their pick up truck and everyone loaded up their hazardous waste and their recycleables for the DC Carter Barron hazardous waste and recycling drop off
a good neighborhood consists of good neighbors
we are lucky
we have all sorts of good neighbors... young and old