the legs felt tired all day today
not sure why... as there was no prework walk, run, or ride
well... I walked the dog and rode to work
but the durations of both events are too short to measure
which is funny because the duration of my standard ride or standard hike are shorter than most riders or hikers would consider a real ride or a real hike
after the work the legs felt tired
maybe it was not my legs
maybe my soul is tired
either way.... I did not feel like going for a ride
feeling less than inspired I broke free of my trajectory
I was on my geared karate monkey headed down Pennsylvania Avenue in southeast headed towards Fort Dupont/Fort Circle right across the bridge
was not looking to do much more than get the tires on dirt
but then I decided not
there was not a mess of excuses
there was not much argument
there was no fight from either end
I just turned around at the bridge by the old Congressional Cemetary
instead I pushed the pedals at a casual pace towards home
the camera dangled around my neck
I pushed the shutter to distract myself from the fact that I was not riding when I could be riding
the camera offered a process
the battery needs to be charge so I had to try and time my shot
there had to be some anticipation of the approaching bicycle
this old digital camera is slow to wake up and there is no turning off the display splash screen
many shots are missed while the splash screen loads
and no if can not be turned off
the camera showed a dramatic delay due to low power
this camera is old school but good for its time
that time is not now so there is some digital delay
many shots are missed due to digital delay
got home before lisa got home from picking up the boys
not sure... maybe they went to the park
I walked the dog then joined up with the family
the walk was also short due to lack of energy and lack of ambition
the boys were all over the place
the home made none lighting up light sabers made of pink and black tape on cardboard tubes are still high in the rotation
the night is still not over
this blog post was spit out as the boys threw down some mint chocolate chip ice cream out on the back porch while staring through the gap in the trees
I asked if they saw any bats
they told me it is still not dark enough for the bats to come out to eat
when dean comes back upstairs after taking down the dishes he needs to brush his teeth
after both the boys brush their teeth I think we are going to play some chess