earlier this week I got an envelop in the mail with a stack of Obama Spoke Cards
last night I started spreading the word of Obama via the SPOKE CARD
for Change to happen... Change needs to start at home
so I outfitted my boys with their own Obama Spoke Cards
the boys were stoked
they know about the election
they know about Obama
they know about Spoke Cards
they know that George Bush is the Worst President ever
they know that George Bush should not have become president... due to a flawed voting process and lack of intelligence

don't get me started on the war in Iraq... if you support Bush and support the war... keep it to yourself
you are more than likely an idiot and should not be president either
young people should be filled with HOPE
Obama gives us HOPE
young people should be idealistic
Obama is idealistic
the world needs change
Obama is change
after the boys went to bed I went down to the Black Cat to the WABA Bike Prom!
bikes bikes and more bikes
"the cat" was packed
the DJ was spinning some great tunes
the fact that the 80's music made it sound like a high school dance from my era did not make me feel old
in fact I was almost inspired to dance
should have got a sitter and brought lisa

she would have had a blast and I would have had a dancing partner
the WABA Bike Prom was loud and fun, but not the place for clever conversation or political exchanges
it turned out not to be the best place to start the OBAMA SPOKE CARD HANDOUT!
both dean and grant got their cards...
then at "the cat" I gave an Obama Spoke Card to Eric "James Bond" Gilliland then also Chantal "SMC Seahawk" Buchser also was awarded with a Spoke Card
the action was loud

the crowd was young
tried to lure Sean Smith formerly of City Bikes Adams Morgan into saying Obama
but I think my line of questioning was not where he wanted the conversation to go
so I enjoyed a shot of Bourbon with him then went on my way
there must have been a cluster of 100 bicycles out front of The Black Cat
more than likely a number of these bikes could have used an Obama Spoke Card... but I was not loaded down to feed the masses
my stack of ten cards were intended for.... well... I am not sure who they were intended for
much like the sock give away at the National Bike Summit... it is a strange process trying to find the right hands or in the case of the summit... the right feet to pass these things o

outside "the cat" I saw familiar face/familiar as seen on late night television infomercial familiar face of Matthew Lesko
Matthew is the guy with the question marks and all the answers
he and his wife would have loved the party inside The Black Cat
I am certain that the music on the turn tables would have sent them straight to the dance floor
Matthew Lesko's Page
gwadzilla image of Matthew Lesko on his scooter
in the end I left with a pocket full of Obama Spoke Cards without ever stepping foot on the dance floor
which does not mean that my evening was not fun
it was fun... better than fun...
dancing and spoke card give aways will have to happen another time