it is not so much that the two sports dance so well together
it is more the type of person attracted to bicycles are often the same sort of people that are attracted to yoga
not unlike bicycles and dogs
dogs and bicycles are not always a good combination
yet lots of bicycle owners have dogs
not so sure that dogs and bikes dance well together
some dogs are good with bikes others not so much
I would think it fair to say that a great percentage of bicyclists are dog owners than non cyclists owning dogs
it has been too long since I have done some yoga
I think that is what my body needs
even if I just do some stretching and some inversions at home
hunched over the laptop is an unhealthy pose
the yoga mat on the back of a person on their bicycle is a common site in the city
makes more sense to ride across town and lock up your bike
than to get stuck in traffic and miss the class because you can not find a spot