NUE:National Ultra Endurance Race Series!
where is the discovery channel?
where is national geographic?
jason berry and team of gripped films showed that there is a story in every mountain bike race
just as the multi-stage tour de france has its build up so do these races
bc stage race? the cape epic? the National Ultra Endurance Series as a whole?
weekly docu-drama updates?
the National Ultra Endurance Series is filled with so many stories
the story of the person finishing first
the story of the person finishing last
the top twenty is filled with characters and super heroes... just point the camera... the story tells itself!
why is Versus not chasing this story down?
what about those other adrenalin channels?
ESPN2? H20? I do not even know!
how can this action pass with little more than some electronic mention here and some black and white print mention there?