would it be more sensible to roll up the sidewalks for two weeks in late august?
dc is dead in august
the town is asleep
half the people are on vacation
the other half of the population is twiddling its thumbs
it would make sense with congress out of session for federal government to close down for a portion of late august
than other businesses would follow suits
that is what suits do
suits follow
no reason for people to bother getting paid for attendance
give them a paid vacation
they will be more productive when they get back
the energy save would save money
the improved morale would produce more
cloak dagger
I totally dig that henry rollins independent ad
is that an actual ad?
I love the dicotamy of Ian MacKaye and Henry Rollins
best friends and commercial opposites
Henry cashing In on being famous... famous for being famous
while Ian ignores his wealth and shuns away from the spotlight... still making music and wanting people to understand and appreciate his music for what it is and not for who he was
Henry Rollins and Ian MacKaye are both heros of mine
I had the pleasure of seeing these heros perform as a teen
Minor Threat and Black Flag then also Herny's spoken word.. which was on several occasions a conversation with Ian....
very easily two of the best "shows" I every attended
Minor Threat at The Landsburgh Culture Center with Trouble Funk
Black Flag with... well... there was the roadies band Nig Heist... but not sure who opened at Pierce Hall
definitely top ten shows/concerts... more than likely both in the top five
dc should definitely take a few weeks off in august
time could be better spent doing other things other than saying... dc should really take two weeks off in august
the money saved in not running the ac alone would be of value
not only did I see Minor Threat
but I saw Henry Rollins do his spoken word thing on a very up close and personal level... small venue to a handful of people... the genesis of his spoken word thing
a modern day bard
a fantastic story teller filled with fantastic stories
dc space is a story that has been undertold