even if it were just the last friday of the month
even if it were just at one location one friday a month
just standing next to the SMARTBIKE racks and people are asking me questions
then at each pause for a red light if eye contact is made a question is asked
everyone wants to know
what is this about?
are those bikes for rent?
how do I rent one? can you rent me one?
how much does this cost?
the response is always the same... an amazed really.
amazed that it is such an inexpensive opportunity
I think that registration would do well to meet the people half way
this is where SMARTBIKE FRIDAY comes along
mellow without much barking
a presence known
a sold sales pitch with no sleaze
no need for sleaze these things sell themselves
the opportunity for people to throw their legs over the bike and get a feel of the connection of the bike and the body
then the feeling of the connection of the self to the city
no sales pitch needed here
the smile will seal the deal
a few warm fridays with a person taking registrations with a promise to mail the SMARTBIKE Card
the word needs to get out
I see the bikes
I see this thing growing
if more people show interest it will show the need to expand the SMARTBIKE system
as well as build the infrastructure so that we have a sustainable traffic plan that includes pedestrian and bicycle use and safety
decrease car dependency
decrease cab dependency
increase lots of things