work and life are taking priority over the blog
I know people are thinking I am cheating on BLOGGER with FACEBOOK
but understand... there can be a mutually exclusive love affair with both of these electronic addictions
if you have not been to the early GWADZILLA ARCHIVE do some searches
in the upper right hand corner of any BLOG Page you can do a search on that blog
you may find stuff that intrigues
you it may amuse you to see how I have moved from a text rich blog with an occassional image into the present day image rich blog with an occasional text post
I wish I had more time and more energy for text...
that is where my heart is
life does not allow me to be all the people I wish to be
here are some archives that may amuse you
Featherhead or maybe Jim Rapp
then Common Sense or maybe Common Courtesy
try it yourself... send me a link to your favorite Gwadzilla Post
this Landcruiser list has some stuff... but this is the meat of the message
and this would be a Christmas Post from a few years back about a friend who was hit and killed on the bike in Wyoming; Jim Wilborn