the brutally cold weather does have its benefits
thick sheets of ice for skating can be one benefit
firm frozen mud-less trails for mountain biking can be an another

not a long ride
really not much more than the Inaugural Parade route in reverse
a ride that passed my office and kept going

it was like a cartoon... long audible cracks on the ices as I moved about
confidence was low... was not on the ice long enough to even warm up
there was little opportunity to warm up due to my apprehension on the ice
the zamboni-less surface was littered with all sorts of items from the inaugural events just days prior
I had wanted to send the sea gulls flying... but feared that karmic retribution would be immediate and cold
just as I was about to get off the ice officer friendly asked me to step off the ice
she was pleasant enough... no waving of the finger... no lecturing
she did not tazer me nor did she hit me with her night stick
just a friendly request to step off the ice

the ice here seemed to be in better shape
my confidence was already shattered
although my time on the ice lacked the audible cracking with the dramatic white fissures growing on the ice I still moved about tentatively
it was still vague in my mind if this action is in fact permissable
I passed a number of Park Service employees with the skates dangling from my pack
there was nothing covert about my actions
the image with this previous post implies that ice skating on the reflecting pool was once a popular accepted activity

some young ladies from Peru followed me on the ice
one of which snapped some shots for me
after the skates were off and I was on my bike I saw groups of people on the ice which made me feel I should have been more bold
just as well... it was all in good fun
I was pleased it happened without officer friendly putting me in the penalty box
not sure of what the rules of such things are in this day and age
also pleased that I did not find a thin spot that revealed the thickness of the ice and the depth of the water
glad I did it
too bad it warmed up so much today... because I would like to do it again