so many races
with more races options appearing all the time
the first weekend of february offers a mountain bike race and a cyclocross race
way cooler priority than a superbowl party
but there is still time to race and go to a superbowl party
it just falls back in priority
over the years I have become somewhat of a creature of habit
races fall into my life's schedule and return to that life's schedule the following year
decisions are made by time of year and proximity
cross races usually lose priority to mountain bike races... but there is seldom a conflict
each season I do a few races
it seems that each year I end up doing the same races
I have raced my mountain bike to much pain and much pleasure at granogue
but I have yet to taste the pain that is cyclocross served up granogue style
perhaps this year I should try to prioritize this event
this event and others are part of this year's unstructured plan to do some of my favorite races and then some other races I have heard such good things about
granogue cross needs to be part of my radar next fall
I do not know what I am doing tomorrow
which makes it absurd to give too much thought about what I am doing sometime next fall
okay... marking my electronic calendar for a heads up would not be too difficult