there was action and details, and yes there were emotions
I am not sure if either are displayed here
but I am considering quoting my son's journal entry about our trip to Chesapeake BMX
life and its comedy of errors
or maybe
my life and my comedy of errors
the weekend past approached with me knowing that my wife was headed out of town to visit her parents which would leave me in charge of our two boys, our dog, the house
in addition to the tasks of entertaining the boys and walking the dog there was a surprise party for a friend who was turning forty
wanting to attend this party had me arrange a sleep over for the boys at my mom's Saturday night
life and its comedy of errors
or maybe
my life and my comedy of errors
the weekend past approached with me knowing that my wife was headed out of town to visit her parents which would leave me in charge of our two boys, our dog, the house
in addition to the tasks of entertaining the boys and walking the dog there was a surprise party for a friend who was turning forty
wanting to attend this party had me arrange a sleep over for the boys at my mom's Saturday night
which meant that my weekend of watching the kids was not going to be such a task
as the weekend got closer I looked at my options
I wondered how I would fit the bike into my weekend
some quick thinking and I had some developing plans
as the weekend got closer I looked at my options
I wondered how I would fit the bike into my weekend
some quick thinking and I had some developing plans
initially I had thought I would charge up the lights and ride to the birthday party in McLean Virginia

thinking I could follow things up with a quick mountain bike ride in the early AM on Sunday
all this before picking up the kids from grandma's a little after noon
after finalizing plans with my mom on Friday evening I thought about the timing and it seemed like I could race on Sunday rather than just ride on Sunday
my gear was already packed and my bike was already set for the Wednesday at Wakefield event that I was unable to attend the Wednesday past
Cranky Monkey at Wakefield on Sunday was going to be the plan!
Friday night movie watching with friends for my son Dean turned into a sleep over... this opportunity for an older brother sleep over almost sent younger brother Grant into a fit
no one wants to get left out of the party... even if that party was nothing more than a couple of kids staying up past their bedtime watching a movie they more than likely have each seen a hundred times
Grant did not want to miss the action... Grant did not want to get stuck going to bed on time
Grant did not want to hang with any lame old people
before the huffing and puffing could escalate into tears a phone call was made and the invite was extended to both the children
the next morning arrived and the boys were back in the house swirling around wondering what they were going to do next... how would they get entertained
rather than offer options I told them that I was going load the bikes into the car and we were all going to drive out to the BMX course in Anne Arundel county... ah yes... Chesapeake BMX
in a firm fatherly drill sergeant way I directed the boys towards the dinning room table where they had a variety of foods available to them for breakfast... most of them fresh cut fruit
before the huffing and puffing could escalate into tears a phone call was made and the invite was extended to both the children
the next morning arrived and the boys were back in the house swirling around wondering what they were going to do next... how would they get entertained
rather than offer options I told them that I was going load the bikes into the car and we were all going to drive out to the BMX course in Anne Arundel county... ah yes... Chesapeake BMX
in a firm fatherly drill sergeant way I directed the boys towards the dinning room table where they had a variety of foods available to them for breakfast... most of them fresh cut fruit
to expedite things I demanded that they put on their socks and shoes to which I was told that their shoes were already on
by the time there was air in all the tires as well as bikes and boys stuffed in the car it was no longer time for breakfast but approaching time for lunch
a few minutes past noon we took to the road
traffic was less than a joy... mid day traffic on I-95? what a shocker.
I endured... Grant slept... and Dean asked me when we would be there every two seconds
I knew when it took us twenty minutes to get two minutes from home it was going to be a long drive
before unloading at the BMX course we stopped at a mom and pop Italian restaurant for a few subs
at the BMX course we had a little picnic as we watched a few young kids ride laps around the course
properly fueled we approached the course
Dean took to the top of the Start Line at the top of the man made asphalt hill while I instructed Grant to start on the flat
I instructed to both boys to take two slow warm up laps before trying to take anything fast
in the modern age helicopter parent way I gave input and instructions to each of the boys
barking out... pedal on the flats... get momentum and roll up the rollers... try to stay high on the bank turns... get out of the saddle and use your legs as shock absorbers
I instructed tactics for a sport I really know nothing about
but my concern for my kids gave me what I thought a right to instruct them in an effort to prevent them for getting hurt
I am not sure what they heard and what instructions they tried to follow
I had told Dean to ride relaxed but strong on the bike... and I am not even sure what that means as well as thinking that he was trying to stand on the pedals rather than stay seated in the saddle

Dean warmed up nicely and got into a groove taking multiple laps
he continuted without the need of any further instruction
while on the other hand five year old Grant needed more assistance than coaching
the 20 inch wheel bike is still a tad large for Grant
five year old Grant is solid on the bike... yet he lacks some confidence in technical situation
he is just a little kid who does not dwarf the way he did his old bike
not to mention the scale of these rollers for these knee high people
on several efforts Grant got to the top of the short steep rollers and started to drift back
I assisted when I could and was impressed to see the bonding between five year old Grant and a six year old stranger named Michael
each of these boys looked after the other
they rode laps at similar paces
Michael was far more comfortable than Grant
but this was Grant's first time here on this bike
only having one visit which was a year prior
at one point later when Grant was done with riding his bike I shouted out for Grant to take my picture
at one point later when Grant was done with riding his bike I shouted out for Grant to take my picture
I was aggravated when he ignored my instruction and ran across the course
then I realize what was happening... Grant was running to Micheal's aid after a crash
this action made me proud
Michael was tough...
then I realize what was happening... Grant was running to Micheal's aid after a crash
this action made me proud
Michael was tough...
I got to his side and gave his mother a wave
Michael was covered in dirt and dust.. but tough... before a tear could surface I had him back on the bike and sent him rolling
after a good amount of time on the bike the boys took a break
I got some lemonade from the car but soon realized we needed more
before I could say anything Grant put his foot down... Grant told me that it did not matter what I said... he was not going to take any more laps
which turned my attention to Dean... I gave Dean the instructions to take five more laps... there was a moment's effort to debate the issue... with no real argument and Dean was back on the bike
with Grant unwilling to ride I offered him the camera and I took to the bike
Grant went around the course and took a photos... many of which were quite good
while Dean warmed up to the idea of getting back on the bike and continued riding well past the fifth lap
on one of the laps I followed Dean on his 20 inch bike on my 29er
on one roller I was impressed to see Dean launch an air
I of course rushed for the camera and asked him to hit it again
a few more laps and a few more photos and we were back on the highway headed for home
after dropping the boys off at grandma's I headed for home
there was a little time for me to do some things around the house before heading to this surprise birthday party
but instead of handling these tasks I took a nap
my nap was refreshing... refreshing but a little longer than expected
a little cat nap turned into something more like a bear in hibernation
I awoke refreshed and cleaned up for this party arriving nearly two hours late
the party went on well into the night
I got home and reminded myself that I would be racing in the morning
it was clear I would not be getting much sleep before the morning's race
I was committed
it was decided
I was not going to let myself talk myself out of getting up and racing in the morning
the morning came and I woke up without the assistance of the alarm
but with the nine forty five start I figured I had plenty of time to get across the bridge
I awoke calm and well rested
rolled out of bed rather than getting back under the covers for another couple of minutes of hugging the pillow
downstairs I made coffee
my black dog brutus got a short walk which was just enough for him to take a squat
then very much out of character I made myself a bacon and egg sandwich
usually I fuel up on left over chinese food or a slice of cold pizza
well rested and well fed I drove my car on traffic less roads to Wakefield Regional Park in Northern Virginia
as I pulled into the park I saw a definite absence of bicycle activity
there was not the usual bicycle energy that one would expect on race day
as I drove past each lot I took notice of the vacancies in these lots
with my car parked in the lot where I would expect to see EX2 Adventures pop tents for registration I took out my Blackberry and GOOGLED Cranky Monkey
sure enough... the Cranky Monkey was scheduled for Sunday... the following Sunday

the wind immediately left my sails... I had arrived to race not to ride
I was less than ecstatic by my situation
far more amused than depressed
it was aggravating... but not really... it had only been a thirty minute drive
I had not gone to bed early or left the party early because of the race
I laughed at myself without my heart rate changing
it was all very funny
and well... had I not had this brain fart
more than likely I would not be riding on this day
I would have more than likely still been in bed
and with the noon pick up of the boys it would be a weekend without riding
well... I rode at the BMX course
which I would not count as riding
I shared my amusing situation with a few other cyclists in the parking lot and then suited up to ride
there were thoughts that I would have rather gone to Schaeffer Farms or Rosaryville to ride...
I had ridden Wakefield three times in the last month
so my list of close and quick would have more than likely been something other than Wakefield
but... I was at Wakefield so I got ready and rode Wakefield
mixed it up
rode some stuff other than the just the race loop
dipped into the bowl
looped the phase three bank turns a number of times
over braking each time
ran into Coppi Scott and rode with him
then rolled around solo dodging the other riders of various levels, varying intensities, and various skill levels
enjoyed riding the unfamiliar and also enjoyed rolling over some familiar
laughed to myself as my ride came to a close
thought about my duration and my distance and how things would have compared
I felt I rode longer at a lesser intensity
which was fine
it does not always have to be at the red line
oh man....
that is pretty funny
I really need to get a better handle on where things are on the calendar
summer has my mind slacking
it was a good weekend
the boys are asking to go back to the BMX track
but I think we will hit the pump track in Chambersburg first
after a good amount of time on the bike the boys took a break
I got some lemonade from the car but soon realized we needed more
before I could say anything Grant put his foot down... Grant told me that it did not matter what I said... he was not going to take any more laps
which turned my attention to Dean... I gave Dean the instructions to take five more laps... there was a moment's effort to debate the issue... with no real argument and Dean was back on the bike

with Grant unwilling to ride I offered him the camera and I took to the bike
Grant went around the course and took a photos... many of which were quite good
while Dean warmed up to the idea of getting back on the bike and continued riding well past the fifth lap
on one of the laps I followed Dean on his 20 inch bike on my 29er
on one roller I was impressed to see Dean launch an air
I of course rushed for the camera and asked him to hit it again
a few more laps and a few more photos and we were back on the highway headed for home
after dropping the boys off at grandma's I headed for home
there was a little time for me to do some things around the house before heading to this surprise birthday party
but instead of handling these tasks I took a nap
my nap was refreshing... refreshing but a little longer than expected
a little cat nap turned into something more like a bear in hibernation
I awoke refreshed and cleaned up for this party arriving nearly two hours late
the party went on well into the night

I got home and reminded myself that I would be racing in the morning
it was clear I would not be getting much sleep before the morning's race
I was committed
it was decided
I was not going to let myself talk myself out of getting up and racing in the morning
the morning came and I woke up without the assistance of the alarm
but with the nine forty five start I figured I had plenty of time to get across the bridge
I awoke calm and well rested
rolled out of bed rather than getting back under the covers for another couple of minutes of hugging the pillow
downstairs I made coffee
my black dog brutus got a short walk which was just enough for him to take a squat
then very much out of character I made myself a bacon and egg sandwich
usually I fuel up on left over chinese food or a slice of cold pizza
well rested and well fed I drove my car on traffic less roads to Wakefield Regional Park in Northern Virginia
as I pulled into the park I saw a definite absence of bicycle activity
there was not the usual bicycle energy that one would expect on race day
as I drove past each lot I took notice of the vacancies in these lots
with my car parked in the lot where I would expect to see EX2 Adventures pop tents for registration I took out my Blackberry and GOOGLED Cranky Monkey
sure enough... the Cranky Monkey was scheduled for Sunday... the following Sunday

the wind immediately left my sails... I had arrived to race not to ride
I was less than ecstatic by my situation
far more amused than depressed
it was aggravating... but not really... it had only been a thirty minute drive
I had not gone to bed early or left the party early because of the race
I laughed at myself without my heart rate changing
it was all very funny
and well... had I not had this brain fart
more than likely I would not be riding on this day
I would have more than likely still been in bed
and with the noon pick up of the boys it would be a weekend without riding
well... I rode at the BMX course
which I would not count as riding
I shared my amusing situation with a few other cyclists in the parking lot and then suited up to ride
there were thoughts that I would have rather gone to Schaeffer Farms or Rosaryville to ride...
I had ridden Wakefield three times in the last month
so my list of close and quick would have more than likely been something other than Wakefield
but... I was at Wakefield so I got ready and rode Wakefield
mixed it up
rode some stuff other than the just the race loop
dipped into the bowl
looped the phase three bank turns a number of times
over braking each time
ran into Coppi Scott and rode with him
then rolled around solo dodging the other riders of various levels, varying intensities, and various skill levels
enjoyed riding the unfamiliar and also enjoyed rolling over some familiar
laughed to myself as my ride came to a close
thought about my duration and my distance and how things would have compared
I felt I rode longer at a lesser intensity
which was fine
it does not always have to be at the red line
oh man....
that is pretty funny
I really need to get a better handle on where things are on the calendar
summer has my mind slacking
it was a good weekend
the boys are asking to go back to the BMX track
but I think we will hit the pump track in Chambersburg first