in my backyard fish pond... well... it is really more of a fish puddle than a pond
or maybe a fish bucket
it is far from a pond
it is really just a plastic kidney bean with water in it
my dad's neighbor was throwing it away... so he grabbed it and got involved in the project of setting it up in my back yard
there is this "water feature" in my backyard
the "water feature" is now frozen
the water goes through this freeze\thaw
the fish amazingly survive this freeze\thaw
it is all very curious
very curious to me... very curious to my five year old son as well
they say curiosity killed the cat
well... curiosity killed a fish the other day
young Grant was cracking the ice... which is a popular practice for young boys
then he got to trying to catch the fish
well... he caught one
that fish is no longer with us
we will see if all the other fish survive the winter
Grant now knows to leave the fish alone... for now