ah... Columbia Heights
new and improved?
every changing for sure... but better?
some people don't care for the box stores
but really... having these stores keeps us from having to drive into the suburbs
previously the city had a grocery store, a corner store, and the drug store
honestly... we needed the box stores
Target has things that the people need
Target has things that other stores did not offer
should I be ashamed to say that we bought a Nintento DS game at Best Buy the other day
and well... I think that Bed Bath and Beyond has a few things that I could use to make my life better
and all within a short bike ride
or even a walk away
I remember this stretch and its recent history
so much of this stretch was boarded up and unoccupied
I can recall the Mount Pleasant Riots when the stores were being looted and their were metro buses and cop cars burning in the streets
yes... the setting is very different today
personally... the changes suit me
this area is far more useful to the people of the city than it was over the past many decades