summer is one of my four favorite seasons
make that five
I really really like Indian Summer
summer is coming to a close
the seasons are changing
no... this is not a an effort to lead into a discussion about cyclocross
but yes... people are already getting ready for cyclocross
cyclocross practices are starting
cyclocross races are going to happen before we know it
I best get my cyclocross bikes in order
this is more the general notion of the change of the seasons
and maybe an excuse to post a few photos of my kids doing something other than riding their bikes
summer is coming to a close
summer vacation is ending and school is starting
the kids go back to school and start their fall routine
soccer... or whatever
life is changing gears with the seasons
it is bigger than us... we can not deny it
focus on beach and boogie boards will have to be altered
we were lucky to get the one beach vacation that we got
with the cooler temperatures comes other activities
the desire to run and play outside was limited due to oppressive heat and humidity
the pool was the best option if not the only option
with the arrival of the cooler days the swimming pool falls out of favor
it was a good summer
our summer was local
but our summer was good
there is no need for a summer to involve plane rides and the stamping of passports to feel as if th
e summer vacation was a vacation
we had an eventful summer even if our summer was local
although we did not do any extensive travel we did get out and about
journeys about town and some journeys outside of town
the boys did not play much soccer but they did manage to do some mountain biking... even some mountain bike races!
even dad got out and did a few races this summer!
it was a good summer... glad we grabbed what we got
we managed to get to The Beaver Dam Swim Club twice and then the beach once
good thing they happened when they did
the obligations of school and soccer will lock us down to being local for the next season
with fall comes an alternate set of options
last year we did not go to Cox Farm
we missed it somewhat intentionally
this year I think we will return
ah... I love summer
I will miss it
well... except for the heat, the humidity, and the mosquitoes
good bye summer
hello fall!
maybe a few more days at the pool before the season's end!
summer is one of my four favorite seasons
make that five

I really really like Indian Summer
summer is coming to a close
the seasons are changing
no... this is not a an effort to lead into a discussion about cyclocross
but yes... people are already getting ready for cyclocross
cyclocross practices are starting
cyclocross races are going to happen before we know it
I best get my cyclocross bikes in order
this is more the general notion of the change of the seasons
and maybe an excuse to post a few photos of my kids doing something other than riding their bikes
summer is coming to a close

summer vacation is ending and school is starting
the kids go back to school and start their fall routine
soccer... or whatever
life is changing gears with the seasons
it is bigger than us... we can not deny it
focus on beach and boogie boards will have to be altered
we were lucky to get the one beach vacation that we got
with the cooler temperatures comes other activities

the desire to run and play outside was limited due to oppressive heat and humidity
the pool was the best option if not the only option
with the arrival of the cooler days the swimming pool falls out of favor
it was a good summer
our summer was local
but our summer was good
there is no need for a summer to involve plane rides and the stamping of passports to feel as if th

we had an eventful summer even if our summer was local
although we did not do any extensive travel we did get out and about
journeys about town and some journeys outside of town
the boys did not play much soccer but they did manage to do some mountain biking... even some mountain bike races!
even dad got out and did a few races this summer!
it was a good summer... glad we grabbed what we got
we managed to get to The Beaver Dam Swim Club twice and then the beach once

good thing they happened when they did
the obligations of school and soccer will lock us down to being local for the next season
with fall comes an alternate set of options
last year we did not go to Cox Farm
we missed it somewhat intentionally
this year I think we will return
ah... I love summer
I will miss it
well... except for the heat, the humidity, and the mosquitoes
good bye summer
hello fall!
maybe a few more days at the pool before the season's end!