funny thing that I saw... only not so funny

this morning after dropping the boys off at school I was driving home
yes... driving
we drive to school... the boys ride a few blocks to school
then after school we do a short ride
usually a three mile ride... but today we took a short direct ride home

oh... getting off track

so... I was driving home from dropping the boys off at school
I was passing the Cleveland Park Metro
right in front of what is said to be the first strip mall in America... YE HA!

I saw this man holding open the elevator that goes down into the subway stop
it seemed nice
I saw a woman rushing to catch the elevator
she was moderately young and moderately attractive
which by DC standards is considered hot

then just a few yards behind her was another woman moving at a slightly slower pace
this woman was on crutches
she was moving along with the aid of crutches and one leg
her other leg was amputated from the thigh down

I thought...
hmmm... is this man holding the door for the attractive woman in a hurry or the handicapped woman who "needs" to take the elevator?

I did not wait to see the end of this story
how do you think it ended up?