my head was not in the game
which means I do not get my head in the camera
well... my head gets in the camera for a second
but bill was not interested in interviewing me for IN THE CROSSHAIRS as we rode on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement home
VIDEO OF THE Master B 35+ at DCCX
then this... TANDEM CAM
and then some classic XTRANORMAL
I could base a RACE REPORT on the video of the Master B Video from DCCX
or at least a first lap play by play by this video
I was on Bill's wheel for the first quarter of the lap
then made an ugly pass... which is displayed on the tape
Bill was not in conversation mode
me... I was riding hard.. but my head was not really in the game
cross has not been on my radar
my effort was really nothing more than riding hard
not sure if I actually raced DCCX
one a sharp off camber turn I stalled and went wide... knowing that the racers in front of me were making many near stops on the technical turns riding several abreast
when I when high and wide on the up hill before the turn
well... bill was racing and bill took the inside like and the slot
for the second half of the lap I was chasing his wheel
still riding hard
not racing... not thinking smart
just mashing the pedals hard
also... fighting just to ride hard and maintain
when I should have been fighting for the front
even if the front is out of reach