this brings up all sorts of memories... faded memories... blurred memories
assorted memories
all sorts of "punk shows"
not just shows at the old 9:30 Club or DC Space
there was an era where the shows were held at community centers
community centers and churches
DC Hardcore Punk Shows
musical events pretty much organized by teenagers... with teenagers in the bands... with teenagers in the crowd
thinking back... that is an amazing concept
as those "teenagers" grew... the scene grew with them
then of course... there was a new breed of teenagers right behind them
I missed the first wave of DC Hardcore
but followed a little bit behind it
Bethesda Community Center... Chevy Chase Community Center
some community centers in Wheaton
and maybe even some in Northern Virginia... but not sure if I did much bridge crossing to go to "the shows"
flyers printed on XEROX machines tied into word of mouth was the PR campaign of the time
somehow it worked
"all ages shows"
there were all sorts of benefits in some of the Columbia heights and Mount Pleasant churches
the city was a very different place in that point in time
Black Flag show at Pearce Hall
TSOL at the Wilson Center
various bands at the Hall of Nations in Georgetown
oh man... I would need some Ginko to really bring up that long list of shows
lots of WIlson Center shows... I remember seeing the Meatmen instead of going to the B-CC Homecoming dance
so much... I can hardly remember it all
a good number of events set up by Positive Force
surprised I never get nto the stories so much from back then
later on...
Hung Jury Pub... The Complex... WUST.... what else was there?
who played?
who played where?
what was the most memorable show and why?
Minor Threat at the Landsburgh Culture Center is high on my list of best DC shows for me