calling the several dollar bike registration a SCAM!
in my limited life experience I have never been a fan of mandatory bicycle registration
in fact... I have never been a fan of bicycle registration and its process as a whole
never did I see its effectiveness... potential yes... but not in its current state
the mandatory bicycle registration seems to be more for the police than for the cyclist
not having a bicycle registered always seemed like something that the police could hold against a cyclist when they pull them over for a moving violation
you know the drill... "no bell... no light... not the proper reflectors... and no registration!"
then in the case of theft...
the registration is only to the benefit of the cyclist if the stolen bicycle is located... which is unlikely
I have had several bicycles stolen... never was my situation treated with any seriousness by the police
the police always made it seem like I had to relocate the bicycle... then contact them to have there be a verification of ownership... but honestly... if I am able to make that much happen... I think I would take the bike back myself
yes... I understand... the police have more important issues to contend with
so... if they are not going to use the bicycle registration along with a data base and an earnest effort to retrieve the bike... well... cancellation of the program only makes sense
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