I love the Beatles...
or should I say...
I loved the Beatles
for no reason at all the Beatles are not high on my rotation these days
perhaps I should change that
right now I am making a Beatles station on Pandora to play in the background as I type
although I was just learning to walk while the Beatles were breaking up
I still grew up with the Beatles being a big part of my youth

the music and the movies by the Beatles gave me great pleasure
there are grand memories of coloring in coloring books with the Beatles Apple records spinning on the turntable
I was in 7th or 8th grade when John Lennon was shot and killed
I remember playing hookie the next day... claiming to be sick... getting no argument from my overly sympathetic mother
my day was spent watching the news and reading the paper and perhaps listening to the radio
perhaps more reading the paper and listening to the radio than watching the news as this incident occurred in a pre-cable television era

somewhere I in my collection of junk I still have the stack of clippings that I collected on that day
it saddened me and shocked me that this could happen
all I could do was wonder "why?"
who was this person? and why would he want to kill John Lennon?
Mark Chapman was his name
insanity... stupidity... sickness can be the only explanations
it was curious and sad
the absurd actions of a mad man
a coward with a reason that he could not even explain

simply using the book Catcher in the Rye as his explanation
images snagged from here
Mark Chapman