excuse me...
last week was The League of American Bicyclist hosted The 2011 National Bike Summit here in Washington, DC
Day One started on Tuesday....
as bicycle advocates from all around the country were arriving there were a variety of opening events
one of which I was able to attend
at The House of Sweden there was a "presser"
correct me if I am not titling this correctly.... there was some sort of meeting for members of the press where there were various kiosks from various bicycle industry representatives
there were a few bike share stands
cateye lights then a table with some helmets that was unmanned and goes unnamed because I was not introduced to the product

cannondale had a great display of a wide variety of very different bicycles
other companies had bikes on the wall and people in company garb
lots of good stuff from many different vendors
but personally...
from my perspective as there were two things that stole the attention of the show
the arrival of cyclocrosser Tim Johnson rode his bicycle from Boston
or somewhere... I think it was Boston... all the way down in the rain and cold to Washington DC
I actually missed the arrival
which meant that it was not documented by me
had to get across town for an IMBA session at the Hyatt
which would also mean that I had to grab lunch
definitely needed to get lunch
this big american machine does not run well on empty

although I missed the arrival of Tim Johnson I did not miss presentation of bikes from the Civia Cycle company
especially one bike from Civia was causing all sorts of chatter
there was one bike that was really catching everyone's attention
not that all of their bikes were not eye catching
because they had some beautiful bikes
tasteful products with artful design
The Halsted
the quirky cargo bike with its diminutive front wheel really caught people's attention
it may have been the most frequently test ridden bike in the room
there was talk about the design of the front loader
how the platform remained straight while the wheel turns freely benieth the platform and out of view
which got rave reviews for handling

but got some skeptical reviews by some riders who felt awkward not able to see where their wheel is pointed (or something to that effect)
I did not ride it
my guess... if it feels natural.... you will know by feel (and direction of the handle bars would also be an indicator)
a page I need to revisit that tells more about Tim Johnson's ride to draw attention to bicycle advocacy