thank you very much!
Buy My Coloring Book - The World Around Biker 253

there were all sorts of people selling all sorts of bike stuff
selling stuff
trading stuff
talking about stuff... lots of talking about stuff
Kate was selling her coloring book
Kate was giving away crayons
the crayons were gray, black, and brown
no anodizing your components in Kate's book
this is not the 1980's!

apparently in between runs
taking a call or taking a break
either way she is not in the saddle

Kate holding her ground

I was down the block from my office grabbing lunch
Kate was in her office
messengers tend to have a "base"
but the streets... the parks... and the coffee shop of choice tend to be their office options
Kate is selling her coloring book to raise enough money to go to the World Messenger Championships
or something to that effect
chase the link for the full information