should be fun... she is going to make it fun
Lisa is fun for a mom... I know this because one of the neighbor's kids told me this one time when we were sledding at Klingle Manson when the boys were just wee ones
not sure what she has going on... but I know that she has been doing some serious plotting and planning
quizzing friends and searching the internet
and me... well... I think that I will do some plotting and planning meself
tomorrow I am headed out to meet Lisa and the boys for lunch where I will then take them home
but maybe not directly home
if I could take a photo of how I would like the future to look tomorrow I would want it to look something like this
only.... no beard and maybe different bikes
me and the boys at Laurel Hill
I think I will load the bikes on the car and go for a spin with the fellas at Laurel Hill