when I saw this vintage Bakfiet I wanted to get a good shot
if you are in front of my camera... you are in my shot
this was a humorous little exchange
as I tried to get a shot of this sidewalk salesman and his cargo rig I had a short exchange with the man in the cultural garb
I anticipated his angle
it was clear that he wanted money to have his photo taken
so... before he could be overly obnoxious to me I was curt with him
"if you do not want to be in my shot... then get out of my way. I am trying to get a shot of this bicycle."
the man stormed off a bit agitate
or so my older son told me... really... I was not so concerned... as I do not believe that people can make such strong demands without a formal agreement before hand
I try to be respectful of people's desire to not have their photo taken
but if you are aggressive or disrespectful to me... well... I will throw it right back at ya
there was some irony to this situation
this man wanted money for the shot
yet he approached a person selling matches with the intent of borrowing a lighter to ignite his cigarette