Adam and his homemade Cargo Bike
an effort for Adam and his family to live "Car Lite"
the front end is designed such that Adam can put a flat bed for carrying work and gardening gear
or a wicker set of wicker chairs can slide into place for his wife Regina and his young son Theo
a very unique and useful design!

a Dutch Design called "bakfiet"
when in Amsterdam visiting his sister... Adam looked at a few classic bakfiets
without a sketch or a photo he examined the design with its steering bar and said to himself... "I can build that"
and he did
I think this is his third bakfiet build
Adam's second build was my Frankenbakfiet
two box store bikes cut in half and reconnected with one long heavy 2 X 4 sized metal bar
bam... on long bike!

Adam and his homemade bakfiet
it looks store bought... much prettier than the FRANKENBAKFIET that we build together for me
Adam came over so we could try to swap the cassettes from his wife's eBike to his Bakfiet
after some removal... the cassettes were close... but not compatible
in our conversations Adam introduced a word I had not heard before CARTURNATIVE
or something to that effect