yes... not planing or plotting
just talking about it
I have been talking about building a climbing wall in the back yard for my kids
there have been all of these hold ups
I wanted to go to a climbing wall or a climbing gym to get a better idea of what a climbing wall is and what I should build
have yet to make that happen
of course I have traveled the Inter-Webs
and then a little while ago I spent a night or two watching YOUTUBE videos on Apple TV of people's home bouldering walls
saw some great stuff
realized much of what people were doing was both out of my price range and my skills as a carpenter
I am not a carpenter
so... I have resigned myself to a more simple thought with a simple wall
no over hang
not a bouldering cave
just a flat wall
more simple and more rational for me at this point
then of course... the wall can grow and change over time
today a friend came over and gave me a hand
and then a little while ago I spent a night or two watching YOUTUBE videos on Apple TV of people's home bouldering walls
saw some great stuff
realized much of what people were doing was both out of my price range and my skills as a carpenter
I am not a carpenter
so... I have resigned myself to a more simple thought with a simple wall
no over hang
not a bouldering cave
just a flat wall
more simple and more rational for me at this point
then of course... the wall can grow and change over time
today a friend came over and gave me a hand
things have started
not yet coming together
but things are started
made a trip to Home Depot and got some bolts and lag screws along with some lumber
but not much lumber as I already have two pre-made plywood size predrilled climbing wall boards
and then there is all the wood recovered from when the Snowpocalypse tore the deck off the second floor of out house
so... I have wood and I have some holds
a handful of holds were a gift from a friend on DCMTB
but... BUT... BUT.... BUT...
I really could use more holds
in fact...
I could use more climbing holds and some pads
climbing holds and climbing pads or would that be climbing mats?
so that is it...
my climbing wall flavored Stone Soup
anyone have any CLIMBING HOLDS or CLIMBING MATS they want to throw into the mix?