photography by Eve Arnold
well over a decade ago my now wife then girlfriend and I took a trip to Southeast Asia
we puddle jumped from here to there
spending the visa maximum of 28 days in Nepal
trekking the Annapurna circuit for 21 of those days
our timing was such that we marched at the same rate as a young duo from England
one of the boys was the grandson of Eve Arnold
at one point in the trip my Canon AE-1 that was one year older than myself decided not to shoot
not sure if it was cold... altitude... or old age
so there were moments in the trip where I asked to borrow the young Brit's camera to snap a shot
with the thought that he could send me a print
well... we sent him some prints
he did not respond to the letter that we do not know if he ever received
which means I never got to see those shots
maybe somewhere in London Eve Arnold's son is having a photography exhibit displaying my shots of Tibetan woman brushing their hair in the morning light or massive Yaks moving ably about the rocky hillside