the other night I stepped out of a WABA Happy Hour on H Street in NE and overheard a familiar face saying that he always wanted an Italian Road Bike
I knew the face but had never met the man
knew him from his passing in front of the camera
knew that he was a messenger
not sure if he knew me
but I chimed in just the same
"I have an old Benotto that I am not going to build up... it is a 58 or so... it is yours if you are interested"
we had a short exchange... I gave him my cell number
and said simply... "give me a call early next week... lets make this happen... but if it does not happen next week... then lets not worry about it"
sure enough... Monday evening I got a call... so Tuesday when I rode into work I rode with that old frame slung over my shoulder
Dave and I met in the evening and I passed off the bike with one simple request... I want to see it when it is done
well... I spoke to Dave and he is already involved in cleaning up that old frame
we talked about Velocity Bike Coop
as it turns out Dave knows Christian... sounds like he knows him better than I do
so... Dave is well on his way to building that bike up
glad to see that bike get a second life
it was just collecting dust in my garage
it was clear I was never going to put any wheels on it