well... sort of a trade
I gave him something and he gave me something
but really... I would have given him that camera either way
ah... the bike build
to throw a bike together with a hodge podge of parts

it can often be a story of Stone Soup
so often a parts been is actually a trash bin
I need to get in the habit of throwing well worn parts away
or at least separate out what is save for that sculpture project that will never happen
and what is a useful part that is not worn out... just not on a rolling bike
also... it has been a while since I have made bicycle part wind chimes
this summer I was chatting with a friend
there was some talk about bikes... cameras... and of course bikes
in this discussion we talked about digital and film
this friend still enjoys shooting film
but... his trusty old Canon AE-1 is being buggy
so... I offered up my old Canon Rebel... film camera

so often promises made at parties are just talk
but I meant it... it took some time... but I made it happen
there was a moment where I ran into this same friend at a bbq down the block from my house
I asked if he was still interested in this camera... he said yes... I ran back home and dug the camera out of a box of many cameras and passed it off to him
then there was some talk... it was not a trade
but this friend wanted to give me something in return
questioning what he thought would be fair.. sometimes it is good to make it a "fair trade" so no one feels as if they owe the other anything
I said I wanted to build up and urban bike for my wife and could use a frame
we... as it turns out this friend had a bike that not only fit the bill... but would fit my wife
the offer was made... but I did not make any effort to collect the bike
time passed... more time passed... then... even more time passed
we ran into each other... each time discussing that the bike hand off was still an option
until finally... yesterday... I took talk to action
I called this friend and asked if I could pick the bike up that evening
lucky for me his schedule worked
brought the bike home and started to dig in my garage for parts
made a quick swap of the rear wheel
mainly because I had a wheel with a flip flop hub that already had a single speed freewheel cog on it
cracked open a beer with the headset washer bottle opener
then put some slightly fatter tires on the bike... only to learn that the front fork lacks the clearance for these
but left the tire on because it looked pretty enough to show my wife
put some flat pedals on the 165 cranks
cracked open another beer... learned that the fat tire in the front also seemed to obstruct the opener
questioned if I should put longer cranks on this bike
which could be an easy thing to do... as it is more than likely that I will find my front chain ring already attached to some cranks
then also unsure what gear to run for my wife on this machine
that is a bit of a riddle... what gear would be too easy? what gear would be too hard? what gear would be just right?
other things needed
now I need to find some brakes and some levers
then I will need...
so... this is turning into another case of Stone Soup
thanks Sean O'Donnell for kicking into this Stone Soup concoction!
the bike and its parts has me well on my way to serving up a super sweet stone soup version of a bicycle