that was fast... Winter here and gone
not any more than a dusting in DC this season
not one single sled or XC Ski session in The District this year
sure, we had ONE SNOW DAY
but that day was nothing but rainy and cold with a strong wind
it was nice for the kids to get a surprise day off from school that did not involve a trip to the doctor
total bummer...
a Global Warming/Climate Change induced bummer
subtle... yet a bummer just the same
winter came and left...

actually... winter is hanging on
winter is trying to make one last claim as owner of the day
ignoring the Almanac, the calendar, and Pugsatauney Phil's claim that winter is over and Spring has Sprung
there is some claim that next Monday offers us a chance of snow
but really
I will believe it when I ski it!
Winter was tame... that is true

the boys got a fair amount of time on ice skates and on skies
sure... most of their skiing was on man made
but hey... that is life on the East Coast in this modern age
our trip to Canaan Valley West Virginia ranks high on our shot list of winter moments
good stuff... glad the boys got out on the planks
their comfort and skill is progressing nicely
each of them are at the stronger level for skiers of their age

I think to be a skier that lives on the East Coast... you need to get into a plane
Battery Kimble