it gets dark early...
it is completely dark at Rush Hour for nearly half the year
when I was in Marco Island Florida I saw that they had some LED button activated lights marking the cross walk at a few busy intersections
the new crosswalks on Porter Street would do well to have this sort of warning at the crosswalks
the people are invisible in the darkness
the self righteous pedestrian does have the right to cross in the crosswalk
but it is dangerous because the car drivers not only don't expect them
the car drivers do not see them
it is simple enough
how do we make this happen?
great randomness when I search the page for MARCO ISLAND

when I was in Marco Island Florida I saw that they had some LED button activated lights marking the cross walk at a few busy intersections
the new crosswalks on Porter Street would do well to have this sort of warning at the crosswalks
the people are invisible in the darkness
the self righteous pedestrian does have the right to cross in the crosswalk

the car drivers do not see them
it is simple enough
how do we make this happen?
great randomness when I search the page for MARCO ISLAND