Lisa and Grant got up super early to catch an "Uber" to the airport for a ski adventure in Utah
while Dean and I got up early so that we could get Dean to the Ski Development program at Ski Liberty
early is not my thing
we got to Liberty early
early before the crowds
I was able to do a multitude of runs without having to slow for a line to get to the chair
then chanced upon running into DCMTB team mate Joe Foley
Joe and I rode the chair together and chased each other down the mountain
I was tired before Dean was done which allowed me to change clothes and get the car ready for a quick escape back to the city
on the drive back I asked Dean how he wanted to spend the next two days
Dean said, "low key... lets just take it easy"
Low Key?
Take it Easy?
well... not entirely my style
but... I try to accommodate
Sunday morning came... I let the day unfold slowly
Dean and I took a mellow hike on the frozen trail with the dog
only to return home with me scratching my head as to what was next
Dean and I had a discussion... it was established... we would ride our bikes to Georgetown
in Georgetown we would get a late lunch at Moby Dick then see the Lego Movie
after some time passed I checked in on Dean and his "laying low"
Dean was in dual screen mode... a personal favorite... NOT AT ALL!
we talked about our departure for the movie
then I learned that Dean had arranged a sleep over at a friend's house
our movie and the start of the sleep over offered up a bit of a conflict
so... I bailed on our plan
because it is not all about me
I still want to see the Lego Movie...
the bike ride and movie sounded like a good plan
but having Dean get together with friends trumps father son time any time
that is just the way that it is
oh well...
it is not about me
The Damned New Rose... LEGO PERFORMANCE!
maybe not as good as Joy Division Transmission