organization... is this just structured hoarding? (another old post... and this weekend I need to do some spring cleaning)

The Old Bag got tired of hearing me talk about trying to clean my basement

it is true...
cleaning the basement and cleaning the garage seem like my "life's work"
I am always trying to catch up on the cleaning
I work on it... I work on it
I get it clean
and then
a tornado will whip through
and it will be a mess again


I have too much stuff
not just my stuff
but stuff for me and my family
but mainly me

these past few weeks I have made some major progress with cleaning up the basement
I have consolidated all sorts of stuff
but this begs the question
is organization just structured hoarding?

I am trying to "thin the herd"
I have so much crap... too much crap...
crap that I have never used
crap I may never use

trying to implement a few ideas...
-if it costs less than 20 dollars and I do not see using it in the near future... CHUCK IT!
this of course does not apply to everything
tools and such are not to be chucked
but bicycle parts? yes... bicycle parts

a few weeks back I went into the garage and I sorted through my bins of bicycle parts
sorted stuff into three groups; KEEP-DONATE-THROW AWAY
drove out to Velocity Bicycle Coop and donated a few almost complete bikes and then a few boxes of random parts

-sentimental value?
as it turns out... all the stuff I collected as a child just is not as important to me as an adult as I thought it would be
so... I need to figure out my baseball cards, football cards, and other miscellaneous junk
records? vinyl?
I went through my "record collection" and did a major purge
sold a mess of records to SMASH in Adams Morgan

it was tough... but I got rid of a mess of records
records and CDs
most music can be found digitally on YOUTUBE or PANDORA
so... I have less use for all these CDs... that said... I still have lots of CDs that I never listen to

it is tough...
I have "consolidated" all sorts of stuff
putting "like" things together
grouping stuff... this really helps to control the monster that is my basement
but really... purging is the answer

major progress... even if my steps are baby steps
at least these are steps forward

more on this in a bit