I need to meet with Ray Crew the MORE Trail Liaison at Fort Dupont and Ranger Kevin Barry at Fort Dupont Park
Kevin Barry runs a bicycle program... it is a great under used facility in DC
if we made it better
I think it would get more use it if were more mountain bike=able
I have met with Kevin Barry a few times... we are on the same page...
I am just not sure if we know what buttons to push to make these things happen
Who has the time? the energy? and the skill to communicate with the deciding parties within the National Park Service?
I would like to be a part of the conversation... but I do not have the time or the energy or even the skills to communicate... so who does?
Some Mentions of Fort Dupont on the Gwadzilla Page
Some images of a tire donation made by DCMTB to the Fort Dupont Bicycle Program
they had slicks on their mountain bikes
those trails contain a lot of loose earth... a good percentage of loose gravel
hopefully the knobbies have been appreciated
DC Needs a pump track and some skills lines....
simple and plain... Washington DC Needs a bike park...
we need some interested parties to step forward and make contact with DC Parks and Rec and then also with the National Park Service to discuss the notion of a Bike Park in Washington DC
Fletcher's Boat House would be a great spot... those woods are a wasteland... a short set of various mountain bike skills loops... have some rollers... some skinnies... a rock garden... and some flow
people could ride and repeat... it is perfect! there is parking...
a pump track would not take up much space
that is NPS land... who has the connections to start the conversation?

I would make a day of it with the kids... take a boat out after some fun on the bikes
yes, it would be great to see some cycling on natural surface trails in Rock Creek Park
Carter Baron would be a fantastic place for a pump track... then there could be some trail clean up and some trail building... multi-use trails that would be open to more than bikes... but would work well for people of various ages and various skills on bikes... this would be a great way to share the IMBA philosophy of trails for everyone
these are just two locations to consider for mountain biking on National Park land in Washington DC
but first... I think we need to help groom Fort Dupont to be a better set of trails for all users...
better trails for people on mountain bikes.... yes, it is already legal for mountain bikes
legal but less than attractive mountain bike destination
the trails are either too steep or too sidewalkesque
reroute the too steep and the heavily eroded trails... make use of the flow of the terrain
add a few more trails
maybe some connectors
a short cut through the meadow
take measure of the cross country running course... and work to improve their loop
good flow trails for mountain bikes are great flow trails for runners
steep is good to keep in the mix... but some trails are not sustainable due to their steepness
while other trails become stream beds
these types of trails need to be re-thought and reworked
this would be great
just as people need a place to play golf... swim... play soccer.. or baseball
people need a place to ride bicycles for sport and recreation
the streets are no place for a kid to play
if we had legal "off road" cycling then our youth culture could enjoy the bicycle in a way that they deserve
riding a bike is a human's closest way to achieve that sensation of flying
it is a great feeling being on the bike
for me... I love riding my bicycle in the woods
it is the most zen experience that I have ever found
to have this opportunity for people in DC... removing the car from the equation
well... that would be a asset to those living and working in Washington DC
Fort Dupont has lots of potential... and they are open to the ideas of a pump track and skills park
we just need to further the discussion with the park and their leaders
and get Mid Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts - MORE behind us
and I know MORE is behind us... we just need to give them something to get behind
I need to meet with Ray Crew the MORE Trail Liaison at Fort Dupont and Ranger Kevin Barry at Fort Dupont Park
Kevin Barry runs a bicycle program... it is a great under used facility in DC
if we made it better
I think it would get more use it if were more mountain bike=able
I have met with Kevin Barry a few times... we are on the same page...
I am just not sure if we know what buttons to push to make these things happen
Who has the time? the energy? and the skill to communicate with the deciding parties within the National Park Service?
I would like to be a part of the conversation... but I do not have the time or the energy or even the skills to communicate... so who does?
Some Mentions of Fort Dupont on the Gwadzilla Page
Some images of a tire donation made by DCMTB to the Fort Dupont Bicycle Program
they had slicks on their mountain bikes
those trails contain a lot of loose earth... a good percentage of loose gravel
hopefully the knobbies have been appreciated
DC Needs a pump track and some skills lines....

we need some interested parties to step forward and make contact with DC Parks and Rec and then also with the National Park Service to discuss the notion of a Bike Park in Washington DC
Fletcher's Boat House would be a great spot... those woods are a wasteland... a short set of various mountain bike skills loops... have some rollers... some skinnies... a rock garden... and some flow
people could ride and repeat... it is perfect! there is parking...
a pump track would not take up much space
that is NPS land... who has the connections to start the conversation?

I would make a day of it with the kids... take a boat out after some fun on the bikes
yes, it would be great to see some cycling on natural surface trails in Rock Creek Park
Carter Baron would be a fantastic place for a pump track... then there could be some trail clean up and some trail building... multi-use trails that would be open to more than bikes... but would work well for people of various ages and various skills on bikes... this would be a great way to share the IMBA philosophy of trails for everyone
these are just two locations to consider for mountain biking on National Park land in Washington DC
but first... I think we need to help groom Fort Dupont to be a better set of trails for all users...
better trails for people on mountain bikes.... yes, it is already legal for mountain bikes
legal but less than attractive mountain bike destination
the trails are either too steep or too sidewalkesque
reroute the too steep and the heavily eroded trails... make use of the flow of the terrain
add a few more trails
maybe some connectors
take measure of the cross country running course... and work to improve their loop
good flow trails for mountain bikes are great flow trails for runners
steep is good to keep in the mix... but some trails are not sustainable due to their steepness
while other trails become stream beds
these types of trails need to be re-thought and reworked
this would be great
just as people need a place to play golf... swim... play soccer.. or baseball
people need a place to ride bicycles for sport and recreation
the streets are no place for a kid to play
if we had legal "off road" cycling then our youth culture could enjoy the bicycle in a way that they deserve
riding a bike is a human's closest way to achieve that sensation of flying
it is a great feeling being on the bike
for me... I love riding my bicycle in the woods
it is the most zen experience that I have ever found
to have this opportunity for people in DC... removing the car from the equation
well... that would be a asset to those living and working in Washington DC
Fort Dupont has lots of potential... and they are open to the ideas of a pump track and skills park
we just need to further the discussion with the park and their leaders
and get Mid Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts - MORE behind us
and I know MORE is behind us... we just need to give them something to get behind