looking at the photos from the DC Bike Party... I took a whole mess of shots... some will show here... eventually they will be dropped onto the Gwadzilla Facebook page

DC Bike Party
a bike party in the Nation's Capital
there are a number of different "social rides"
DCBP is just one... DCBP happens to be the social ride that I normally attend

the August ride was beach themed

as per usually people gathered at Dupont Circle at 7:30 for the estimated 8:00 departure
I love the pre-ride social exchange
it is good to see familiar faces
catch up with friends
check out the bikes

I would like to see a chalk outline of a pedestrian sidewalk looping the fountain
the mass of people and bikes creates an obstacle course for foot traffic
and well...
we should be considerate
just grant people the right to space just as we beg for people to grant us our right to space

ah... I think that the Chinatown Arch fits well with the newly developed urban center that is DC's Chinatown
there was a time when the arch did not work with its surroundings
now it looks fantastic

missed the shot... another blurry shot

I got the shot of Jason... now my eyes hurt

nice Joker tattoo!
and the custom back basket\crate on the New Belgium cruiser is cool

another burry shot where I was tempted to hit DELETE
but... I almost got the shot

starting to drop images from the DC Bike Party on the Gwadzilla Facebook Page

the Washington Monument... I have only been in the Washington Monument once...
my kids have never been in the Washington Monument
unless they went on a field trip and I was not listening when they told me
but I do not think that happened

going through more photos from the DC Bike Party
got a decent number of shots
missed a lot of shots
missed a number of shots that I thought I got
always a let down to hit Delete so many times

I need to get back into the settings and refigure how to get this camera to do what I want to do in the low light settings