WABA is asking that you sign a petition for the restoration of the multi-use trail in Rock Creek Park

Thank you for taking action. You were one of the 2,500 people who signed our petition this spring. We're excited to let you know that your voice was heard and an upgraded Rock Creek Park Trail is one step closer!

At the end of June, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) released the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Rehabilitation of the Rock Creek Park Multi-Use Trail. The final design could not be completed without this environmental document. This was holding up construction. DDOT and NPS can now finalize the design, and construction could begin in some sections as early as next year. 

Read the full details about this achievement on the WABA blog. We have included links on the blog to the final EA and other environmental documents.

We would like to thank Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Councilmembers David Grosso and Mary Cheh, and the many others along the way that helped move this project forward.

We're not there yet. WABA began advocating for improvements to the Rock Creek Park Trail in the early 1990's. We are now very close to an upgraded trail. Please help support us by becoming a member and ensure the trail is completed quickly. Trail projects take years to complete. It takes the dedication of WABA staff, members and volunteers to see projects finished.

Please join today as a member
make a tax-deductible donation to ensure that the Rock Creek Park Trail improvement project is completed.

Thanks again for your support.

Greg Billing
WABA Advocacy Coordinator