Days like today were made for Salzmann Reflective products... okay, really, Salzmann Reflective Products were made for days like today...

woke up this morning to a rainy day...
rainy days take a little more prep for the 4-season bicycle commuter
had to wear my well worn less than effective MEC Raingear
then my high tech Washington Post sock covers... yes, newspaper bags

the latest addition to my raingear would be my Salzmann products
the Salzmann backpack cover assures me that my business casual will be dry when I arrive to work
the Salzmann spoke reflector clips increase the odds that I arrive alive by increasing my visibility

of course I also turn on my blinking red lights
but the Salzmann reflective products are an excellent addition to my 4 season bicycle commuter experience

Salzmann Backpack Cover through Amazon
then... the clip on spoke reflectors also through Amazon

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