finally went through some photos from the DC Bike Party...

Eric leads the pack... not sure how many riders attended... but it was a large wheeled caterpillar
that of course would be The Watergate in the background
made famous by Nixon and Monica Lewinsky
there are references to "deep throat" in both eras

google it
okay... that sounded gross

DC Bike Party totally lucked out on the weather
it was not even crisp
just cool enough that people were comfortable in winter pjs
instead of summer pajamas

DC Bike Party was a rolling pajama party

this guy was in the spirit
or his business casual is more casual than my own

DC Bike Party is always good for catching up with familiar faces and friends
yes good catching up with people
before the ride... during the ride
at the midpoint
back on the bike

and then this!
most people head into an "after party"
or is that the destination
I think the journey is the destination

lots of fun at the dc bike party

best wednesday of the month every month

DC Bike Party