it is true... it happened... it has happened before... it will happen again... although I try to contain myself

sunday morning reflections...

wanted to rant about my spitting on a DC Metro Bus driver's windshield
I know... I know... this does not put me in a good light
but I like to stand up for myself
when my life is put at risk
when I am not respected as a person who deserves their right to space
I will stand up for myself

it cyclists just accept the mal treatment then they are enabling the mal treatment


sure.. spitting on the windshield and flipping the bird is childish
but anything worse... a U-Lock to the windshield or an actual confrontation with the driver
well... that would be counter productive to my own personal well being
I guess an email to the mayor... chief of police... DDOT... and the head of METRO would be the correct action

so many Metro bus drivers are altering their aggressive anti-bike behavior
but not all of them
there are still drivers cutting off cyclists, pinning cyclist to the curb, passing cyclists too close and too fast, and making aggressive passes when they should have just waited behind the cyclist

metro... bus... and submissive

this link is CHERRY... CHASE THIS LINK!
so many bike to bus altercations... these professionals can be so unprofessional

a blemish on their brothers and sisters behind the wheel at Metro

I know people are not in the habit of chasing my links
but here is a good one