Jim Rapp id Dead- long live Fearherhead

Jim Rapp has passed away
May the memory of Jim Rapp inspire us

the memories are fading... as I am getting older I can no longer remember everything....
I always remember Jim Rapp to be super positive... he had that wide Cheshire cat smile... I can recall him rolling into parties in cycling apparel, on rollerblades, with that feather on his Bell V-1 Pro helmet, and reflective Oakley blades... smiling and circling around... 
it puzzled me how out in the open he was about his business... he was confident that he was not doing anything that would get him in trouble... he thought guns and cocaine where the targets of the law... 

Jim was a good dude... I remember that!

I also remember he was on PM Magazine as well as that Regardies shot...

his article in the City Paper was sad\humorous\telling
