INFORMATION on the Unofficial Trail Day at Wakefield on Facebook
Wakefield Park MTB Trail​ is an amazing local mountain bike resource... this pocket of mountain biking joy has evolved over time... man made natural surface trails with mountain biking and sustainability in mind... MOUNTAIN BIKE AWESOMENESS! this area sees so much use and abuse... high volume of trail users and this summer there has been RECORD RAIN FALL...
and yes...
W@W Race #2 also had its effect
(the race was awesome... trails were fast... you would have have to been there to understand how it all unfolded)
put on some boot and some clothes you do not care about getting dirty
if you have gloves and tools... bring em
but more than anything... bring yourself and bring a friend
and eat a good breakfast or bring a snack
Wakefield Needs Your Help!
hard work is good for your soul!
tell your friends
tell your mountain biking friends
share this information with your mountain bike team
share this with anyone you know who ever rides or races at Wakefield
Hope to See ya There!
check into the FACEBOOK event page as the day progresses
today's rain could effect the ability to work tomorrow
so... plan for tomorrow... but keep checking in
today's rain could effect the ability to work tomorrow
so... plan for tomorrow... but keep checking in