lock your shit... do not leave your bicycle locked up outside over night

leaving out of work earlier this week I was leaving much later than usual... it was approaching 8PM

I had my bike... I was chatting with a co-worker
then a guy rolls by on a skinny tire bike with a 26 inch front wheel with disc in his hand...


do I take a picture? 
definitely suspicious
do I approach this guy?

he then rolled over to where I lock my bike
he is either scanning the locked bikes for parts to pick or gonna lock his bike
I waited... I watched... I waiver-ed back and forth on thinking he was a thief or not
Wanted him to steal something so I could approach him... but not seeing him take that wheel had me thinking that it would be too hard to approach


more than likely someone else's front wheel

yes,,, Bike Thieves Suck!

Facebook Page
Bike Thieves Suck!

if your bike is stolen... post about it on that page
if your bike is stolen... maybe someone will post about it there