glad to get a shot of myself
glad to get a shot of me with my buddy MikeK
if I didn't love Mike... I would hate him
hopefully he feels the same about me
I heard a funny story...
Mike represented his shop Trailwerks Cyclery and gave a mountain bike suspension lesson on Saturday
Mike cracks me up...
Mike knows a lot of stuff... Mike knows more about bikes than I know about all the things I know
Jonathan of The Family Bike Shop with the beard...
I guess Jonathan raced Charm City on Saturday and did the 70 mile MoCo today
I guess Jonathan raced Charm City on Saturday and did the 70 mile MoCo today
lots of riders making this already challenging ride more challenging
some people ride to the event
love The Family Bike Shop
love Jonathan
great shop... if there is a chance that The Family Bike Shop would be your Local Bike Shop you would be lucky
it is not my LBS but it is my go to shop!
my buddy Will...
super fast... super cool
love riding with Will
always pumped and always positive
then this
cult leader Jan
fearless leader of teh Bikenetic Cycling Cult
it is like the zombie invasion on bike
already taking over northern virginia
what tomorrow? the world?