A Farewell from Annie Lou Bayly and a Rainbow...

yesterday's rainbow over Washington DC was quite a sight

as I soaked in this magical moment I thought about the Farewell from Annie Lou that I had read earlier that day

I was fully in the moment
just me and my dog... soaking in the rainbow
not wishing to be somewhere else
not anxious about my undone taxes
no worries... no cares... just soaking in the rainbow

just me fully in the moment
me and my dog Didg

my life is far from perfect
but that moment
that moment was as close to perfect as I could imagine

and then
A Farewell from Annie Lou
please read this

love and luck to all that knew Annie Lou
peace to those who were close to Annie Lou
I know your loss has created a great void
may moments like this rainbow remind your of Annie Lou and her deep appreciation for life

others images of the same rainbow