how do we educate car drivers about cyclists' right to the roadway? it seems that my spitting and cussing is not aiding to educate

looped back and tried to have a polite dignified conversation
in under 3 seconds I was yelling and screaming
profanity trumped logic and reason
we each just spoke our points louder than the other
the car driver believing what so many drivers in the district believe... that I am supposed to just get out of their way
Potomac Pedalers spell out the laws in simple language
seriously though...
how do we get the word out?
she said I was taking up two lanes
I agree... I am still carrying some winter weight
but two lanes?
what the car driver does not understand is that I have as much right to space on the road as she or anyone else does
I was in the main lane
the right hand lane at this point involves parking cars... cars pulling into the alleyways, or cars getting ready to take a left turn
I was where I needed to be
why do I zig and zag around while I ride... I am trying to avoid DEATH
I am putting myself where I am most safe
trying to anticipate the car drivers around me as they do not see me therefore they are not expecting me to be where I am
so... I move to where I am most safe
it is pretty simple