too funny...
years ago... for years... I did IT at CBS News in Washington...
not the local affiliate... the Washington Bureau
this job gave me and others our own Forrest Gump moments
I stood in the same room as history
on so many occasions I saw things as they happened
Inaugurations... Protests... whatever...
the CBS Staff had computers in buildings all around the city...
The Pentagon... The US Capitol... Justice Department... District Court... SCOTUS
and The White House
it was interesting...
it was fun to mix it up... to get out of the office and migrate the city
walk to Department of State from 2020 M Street....
BikeShare to The Hill
it was an interesting time...
lots of memories from those times
years ago... for years... I did IT at CBS News in Washington...
not the local affiliate... the Washington Bureau
this job gave me and others our own Forrest Gump moments
I stood in the same room as history
on so many occasions I saw things as they happened
Inaugurations... Protests... whatever...
the CBS Staff had computers in buildings all around the city...
The Pentagon... The US Capitol... Justice Department... District Court... SCOTUS
and The White House
it was interesting...
it was fun to mix it up... to get out of the office and migrate the city
walk to Department of State from 2020 M Street....
BikeShare to The Hill
it was an interesting time...
lots of memories from those times