Second Chance
took a field trip to Baltimore with TJ Morton to look at some old dusty stuff...
Second Chance is a warehouse for homeowner's dusty dreams
Second Chance saves useable\reusable home items
they have everything for your home project
if retro is your way
head to Second Chance
looking for old doors and some inspiration for the shed project TJ and I took a quick trip up to Baltimore
Second Chance is worth the trip
even if you have no intention of buying anything
it is just cool to see all this old stuff
it is like a museum of unwanted old stuff
unfortunately... nothing is free
they know what they have
they are not giving it away
unless they are giving it away
and they do have a corner in the parking lot where they give away stuff
I did get some doors from that pile of unwanted stuff

trying to keep the costs down...
if I were rich... if I won the lottery
I would head here and my vision for my shed would morph and change
the old doors
the stained glass
the unique light fixtures
so much cool... so much potential

Hyattsville has Community Forklift
Community Forklift is Awesome
but... you could fit a couple dozen Community Forklifts into Second Chance
Community Forklift
and yes...
they have doors
if I were looking to buy a door
I would look here before Home Depot
but... I am not looking to buy a door
I think I can get people's old doors for free